Reflection and Action on the Zamboanga Siege
By: Prof. Alzad Sattar, Undersecretary for Madrasah Education, DepEd-ARMM
Part I - Faith in God
After the consultation meeting I attended yesterday at Garden Orchid Hotel, Zamboanga City on the “Consultation on Documentation and Monitoring of Violations and Compliance of HR/IHL, facilitated by the Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA) and sponsored by the Asia Foundation relative to the present crisis in Zamboanga City, I was reflecting on something that somehow help appease and mollify the growing animosity among victims. When I say victims, I am referring to the Muslims and non-Muslims, whatever ethnicity they belong to, e.g. Tausug, Yakan, Sama, Chavacano, Bisaya, Ilonggo, etc. The animosity is rapidly growing every second, every minute, every hour, and every day. In fact, such has already led to hatred and abhorrence amongs the victims. I am afraid that this hatred will turn into Muslim-Christian conflict very soon. As a matter of fact, it’s already happening in some instances, either in real situation or in social media.
During the meeting, one participant revealed that he already transferred his two sons to Jolo to continue their studies because of such apprehension. In one of our relief goods distribution sorties, I have a small conversation with some of the evacuees. One of them asked me, “Are you also giving food stuff to Christians?” Of course, I quickly responded, but our first priorities are those who are residents of ARMM who happens to be in Zamboanga City during this crisis. Out of curiosity, I asked him also, “Why did you ask such question?” He simply smiled and said: “No, nothing!” Then, a fellow, who is considered to be their group leader said: “It’s actually like this, sir, some of us experience hearing bad and provocative words from our Christian co-evacuees.” They say, “You Moros are all the same. Get out from Zamboanga!” He also mentioned that two of his men were invited by men in uniform for questioning. The two fellows were returned back safely later, though.
These are just some examples of the growing animosities brought about by the Zamboanga Crisis. I am pretty sure, there are a lot more. If you read and hear from tri-media especially the local stations, provocative words are the order of the day. Instead of pacifying the issue, it helps in aggravating the situation. Seeing the gravity and intensity of the problem, I found it incumbent upon myself as peace advocate to write this article. I am addressing this to my Muslim brothers and sisters, in particular, and the whole stakeholders in general. I hope to read soon similar if not totally the same article from a Christian or non-Muslim perspective.
My Muslim brothers and sisters, as Muslims, we certainly believe as we always do, that life in this mundane world is FULL OF TESTS or TRIALS (Bala’ or Ibtila’). Allah, the Almighty mention it in the Holy Qur’an in Surah al-Baqarah 2:155: “And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient ones (As-Sabirin).” Imam at-Tirmidhi reported that Abdullah ibn Abbas narrated: Once I was riding on an animal behind the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, when he said: “boy, I would like to teach you something. Be careful and follow Allah’s commands with perseverance. Allah will protect you. You should safeguard His rights, and you will always find Him with you; if you need something, ask Allah, and when you need help, solicit Allah alone for the same. Bear it in mind that if all the people combined together to grant you some benefit, they would not be able to do so except that which Allah has determined for you and that if all of them were combined together to do you harm, they would not be able to do so except that which Allah has determined for you. The pens have been lifted and the writings of the book of fate have become dry.”
Part II: What must we do in times of difficulty or calamity?
My beloved fellow Muslims, the best weapon for us in times of difficulty and hardship is to be patient for Allah is with those who are patients. Almighty Allah says in Surah al-Baqarah 2: 153: “Oh you who believe! Seek help with patient, perseverance and prayer, for God is with those who patiently persevere." In Surah Hud 11: 115, Allah, the Almighty directed us towards the same when He says: "And be steadfast in patience, for verily Allah will not suffer the reward of the righteous to perish." If we cannot achieve the reward in this world, I am very sure, we will have it on the Day of Judgment. We all believe that the life in the Day to come is far better than the life in this world.
Patience is not actually an easy thing to do and to gain. We need Allah’s grace, blessings, pure heart and humility, as Allah mention in Surah al-Baqarah 2: 45: "Seek Allah's help with patient perseverance and prayer. It is indeed hard except for those who are humble." My dear brothers and sisters, yes, truly! To be patient is not an easy one, yet, if we reflect and allow small amount of ‘sabr’ (patience) to be implanted in our heart it will grow like a wild vine and bloom and flourish like a beautiful flower and fruitful tree. Everybody benefited from it, animals, insects, human beings, and others.
I know some of you might say that I know how to say this because I am not among those whose houses were burnt into ashes. I am not among those who lost loved ones in the fighting. But to tell you frankly, my experience is comparable to what you are experiencing right now, if not more. The pain I felt before is similar to what you feel right now, if not more than that. I experience transferring from place to another place during Martial Law period, from Tapiantana (Basilan) to Tattalan to Dungon to Bullaan (Tongkil, Sulu) to Lupah Pula (Sulu), then to Bubuan (Basilan).
My late and beloved father was shot dead and murdered in a cold blood in front of me when I was at the age of 9 or 10 years old. My grandfather, uncle, elder brother and one relative were massacred, killed simultaneously when I was a child. It was good that we were blessed with a goodhearted mother, who is full of wisdom and patience. We are a family of six brothers and one sister; but our mother never inculcated and implanted into our hearts and minds the seed of vengeance. Instead, she sent us to madrasah to learn religion and ethics, and to public school to prepare us for the world of work.
I still remember until now what my mother used to tell us, “You might get satisfied by killing the one who kills your father, but the truth remains the truth, your loving father is now dead. Retaliating will not make him alive. He will be happy to see you on the Day of Judgment with full of patience rather than full of hatred. Let us leave the matter to Allah, after all, He knows what is better for us.”
True enough, she was right. Granting took our vengeance on those killed our father, but what good things could we get out of it? Fulfillment? Maybe? But I am certain the killer's son, nephew, or male relatives will not stop until they will have taken their revenge too. So the vicious cycle of vendetta will become our norms. Eventually, the cycle of vengeance will be the inheritance of our generation to come.
Honestly, vengeance crosses my mind several time especially when I was growing up when some ill-minded relatives would tell me that this guy or this family killed my father or when being bullied by playmates. But, Alhamdulillah (Thanks to Allah) my mother’s wonderful words reverberates in my mind and my heart. My learning in Madrasah about patience and perseverance helps also a lot. The two verses mention above in Surah al-Baqarah 2: 153 shape my whole personality and what I am now.
Part 3 - What we must do now as Muslims?
Knowing the comprehensiveness of Islam, e.g., physical, intellectual, above all spiritual, we must at all times be guided by its wonderful teachings. In dealing with our day-to-day activities, be it personal or public, political or apolitical, individual or group, our guiding principle should always be in accordance with what Allah, the Almighty said in Surah al-Baqarah 2: 143 “And thus We have made you a ‘Just - Balanced Community’ that you will be witnesses over the people, and the Messenger will be a witness over you.”
When it comes to relationships with fellow Muslims and non-Muslims alike Islam provides us a detailed guidelines to follow. In Islam, the concept of ‘ukhuwa’ (brotherhood) is very solid and manifested through various means. In Sahih Muslim, the beloved Prophet of Allah, Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: “Believers are like a single person; if his eye is in pain his whole body pains, and if his head is in pain his whole body pains.”
Furthermore, Islamic brotherhood goes beyond nationality, ethnicity, and geographic location, because Islam knows no boundaries in as far as brotherhood is concerned. Whether you are Asian, Caucasian, Arab, American, Tausug, Sama, Yakan, Maranaw, Maguindanao, Iranun, et cetera, for so long as you submit yourself to the will of Allah, you are obliged to help and assist him/her according to your means: physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually. Al-Bayhaqi narrated that Prophet Muhammad once said: “Whoever helps his brother in secret, Allah will help him in this world and the next.” Imam at-Tirmidhi reported that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: “Give the Sadaqah (Charity) without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” This is the reason why Darul Ifta’ of Zamboanga and Darul Ifta’ ARMM and the NCMF are doing everything what they can to facilitate and assist the evacuees in different ways.
In doing so, however, we should not go beyond the limits set forth by the Shari’ah. In Surah al-Ma’idah 5: 2, Allah, the Almighty, says: “Help you one another in virtue and righteousness (al-birr) and piety (at-Taqwa); but do not help one another in sin (al-Ithm) and transgression that creates hatred among you (al-‘udwan). And fear Allah, verily, Allah is severe in punishment.” Thus, Almighty Allah categorically states the prerequisites of rendering assistance so that we will not commit sins against Him. That is why the verse ended with a warning ‘Allah is severe in punishment’ to remind us of the consequence of our actions once we cooperate with evil deeds, if not in this world, surely, in the day Hereafter.
As Muslims, one most important thing we must do is supplication in times of trial. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, used to say at a time of difficulty, “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Majestic, the Most Forbearing. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Lord of the Tremendous Throne. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Lord of the Heavens and the Lord of the Honorable Throne.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Imam Ahmad and others reported upon the authority of Ibn Mas'ud that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "No slave is afflicted with anxiety and grief, and then says: “O Allah, I am Your slave, son of Your male slave, son of Your female slave. My forehead is in Your hand. Your judgment upon me is assured and whatever you have decreed for me is just. I ask You by every name belonging to You which You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught one of Your creation or which You have preserved in the knowledge of the Unseen with You that You make the Qur'an the spring of my heart and the light of my chest, a banisher for my grief and a reliever for my anxiety. Except that Almighty Allah will replace his distress and grief with joy."
In one narration, when calamities befall to anyone, he/she should say the following: “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Allahumma ajirniy fiy musibatiy wakhluf liy khayran minh.” (Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return. O Allah grant me refuge in my affliction and replace it with the one better than that.)
With regards to our relationship with non-Muslims it is very clear that Allah allows us to do so, albeit with certain limitations and restrictions. In Surah al-Mumtahanah 60: 8-9, Almighty Allah says: “Allah does not forbid you to deal JUSTLY and KINDLY with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah LOVES those who deal with EQUITY. It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, that Allah FORBIDS you to BEFRIEND them. And whosoever will befriend them, then such are the zalimun (wrong-doers-those who disobey Allah).” It means, if they harm you just because you are Muslim, you have all the right to DEFEND yourself. This right is granted by both man-made and Divine laws.
Hence, for as long as it is within the boundaries of the Islamic rules and there is no religious violation there is no harm for the Muslim to deal with non-Muslims. What we need is a mutual respect so that Muslims and non-Muslims alike live harmoniously and coexist with one another. Coexisting does not necessarily mean living together in one building or in a certain place, but as one community and one country living side by side and working together for the common good of all humanity. The key is mutual respect from both sides of the divide. It should be a two-way relationship so that fairness and justice would prevail. Any relationship that is devoid of justice and equality will not be long lasting.
Therefore, Muslims must respect non-Muslims and non-Muslims must respect Muslims, too, with all our heart. “Respect begets respect”, as the saying goes. In Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and An-Nassa’i, it was narrated that one day, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was seated at some place in Madinah along with his Companions. During this time a funeral procession passed by. On seeing this, the Prophet stood up. One of his companions remarked that the funeral was that of a Jew. The Prophet replied, “Was he not a human being?” That’s how the Prophet taught us in as far as respect is concerned. The truth of the matter is that, Almighty Allah even prohibited reviling non-Muslims pertaining to their worship. In Surah al-An’am 6:108, Allah, the Almighty says: “And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge.”
Part IV - What Muslims and non-Muslims must do now?
We may have different approaches as we belong to different field of specializations. But, I guess, everyone agrees if I say, we must do something as opposed to doing nothing. We do not want evil to triumph over goodness because we are all affected. Edmund Burke once said: “The only way for the evil to triumph is for the good people to do nothing.” And if I may to quote the saying of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, he said: “The one who kept silent for the truth is like a dump-mute Satan.”
Nonetheless, we should not go beyond with the “principle of moderation” as mention earlier. We should not resort to violence for violence begets nothing but violence. Let us be proactive rather than reactive. In Sahih al-Bukhari, we will find the wonderful advice of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, when he once said: “The religion is easy. No one ever made it difficult without it becoming too much for him. So avoid extremes and strike a balance, do the best you can and be cheerful, and seek Allah’s help (through prayer) in the morning, and evening, and part of the night.”
Furthermore, in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih al-Muslim, the beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: “Make things easy (for people) and do not make them difficult, and cheer people up and do not drive them away. Ahmad reported, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, also said: “The best of your religion is the easiest.” Hence, let us put things in a proper perspective, after all, Allah wanted us to be such when He says in Surah al-Baqarah 2:185: "Allah intends for you ease, and does not want to make things difficult for you."
Moreover, a well-known story has been mentioned in hadith literature which is also found in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih al-Muslim such as the following: A disbelieving Bedouin urinated in the mosque, and the people rushed to beat him. Allah’s Apostle ordered them to leave him alone, let him finish and pour water over the place where he has passed urine. The Prophet then explained to the Bedouin calmly, “This is a place of worship, in it, is the worship of God and the reading of Qur’an.” After the Bedouin had left, the Prophet then said to his companions,” You have been sent to make things easy (for the people) and you have not been sent to make things difficult for them.” It was said, the Bedouin embraced Islam some time later due to the gentle actuation shown by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
To the Zamboaguenos especially the Chavacanos, if you love Zamboanga City as you claimed, remember also, other Zamboanguenos love Zamboanga City, too. No one tribe has the monopoly of Zamboanga City. Because other tribes who are also legitimate residents of Zamboanga City have rights, too. Zamboanga is not inherently own by anybody, for if so, the Moro especially the Sama and the Badjaw have more rights over you. Let us move away from bigotry, for bigotry begets nothing but bigotry. Inquisition should not be repeated anymore like what happen in Al - Andalus many years before it became a Spain.
To the two opposing parties, you should learn from history. War is NOT and NEVER be a SOLUTION to the conflict in Mindanao. History has proven it true. ‘Annihilation Theory’ does not and never work anywhere and everywhere. Civilian interests must be given weight over political interest. The will of the people must be supreme over the will of the politicians. The Latin Maxim, ‘Vox populi, vox Dei’ where public opinion and the voice of the people is supposed to be irresistible, cannot be categorically ignored and should come first before the political and vested interested.
At any rate, those involved in conflict should face the consequences of their deeds from both sides. Fairness and justice should be true to all regardless of who they are. The principle of “No one is above the law” must be true to all and must be upheld after due process of law.
Thus, let us be adamant and vigilant but it should be coupled with courteousness.
If there is one most important thing to be considered in the “reconstruction and rebuilding” of Zamboanga City is the psycho-social aspect. Infrastructure such as houses and the economy are undoubtedly vital. But the greatest challenge in my humble opinion is how to regain the trust and confidence between and among the Muslims and non-Muslims in the city. The work of interfaith and other peace organizations such as Silsilah Dialogue Movement (SDM), Peace Advocates Zamboanga (PAZ), Consortium of Bangsamoro Cicil Society (CBCS), et cetera that have been gaining ground from the grassroots for decades now are back to zero. I hope the rumors lingering around that the notorious “Ilaga Movement” is going to be reactivated, albeit in another name, is not true. If it is so, history repeats itself. May God, the Almighty forbid!
To all ‘PEACE ADVOCATES’, I personally call upon you, in the name of God, the Almighty and for the sake of humanity, let us continue and do, not just try, our best and join together in combating evil so that we will live peacefully and harmoniously regardless of faith, race, and tribe. After all, the final judgment will be on the Day Hereafter. Allah, the Almighty Himself will be the one to give judgment as to who is really right and who is wrong.
The parable and similitude of the people in the community or society is like a group of individuals who are traveling in a boat to a certain destination. Whatever happens to that boat everybody suffers the consequences, regardless of who they are. The religious groups, both from Muslims and non-Muslims alike can play a dynamic role in the reconstruction period of Zamboanga City. So I call upon the City Government of Zamboanga to make the religious groups and the elders in the community together with the civil societies, as its PARTNERS, not just supporting actors, in pursuing sustainable peace, progress, and development of the city.
Alzad Sattar
Peace Advocate
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
ZAMBOANGA CRISIS: Ulama Initiatives, The Untold Story.
ZAMBOANGA CRISIS: Ulama Initiatives, The Untold Story.
By Prof. Alzad T. Sattar, Undersecretary for Madrasah Education, DepEd - ARMM
Ulama are generally not in touch with internet and media, thus I found it my obligation to write on the pro-active response of ulama on the crisis even without their being invited to intervene.
When the Zamboanga Crisis started on September 9, 2013, the religious groups particularly the Darul Ifta of Zamboanga City and Darul Ifta – ARMM with some Muslim elders immediately convened the following day (Day 2 of the Crisis) at Garden Orchid Hotel, Zamboanga City. The main agenda was how they can help the City Government on peacefully resolving the conflict. The ulama agreed to offer themselves as “negotiator” provided the Crisis Management Committee (CMC) Zamboanga City authorize them to do so thru a letter of request. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, the offer was turned down.
As religious leaders, they know for a fact that it is also their obligation to give assistance to their fellow human being regardless of who the victims are. In partnership with the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF), the said ulama groups undertook a humanitarian initiative, e.g. giving relief goods to the victims and offering spiritual guidance and counseling. Yesterday for instance, Darul Ifta – ARMM joined the ARMM HEART in distributing the relief goods to the so-called “home-based evacuees” at Mampang and Talon-Talon Barangays. These are the people who opted to stay at their relatives’ home rather than evacuation centers.
Upon seeing the conditions of the evacuees, I couldn’t help but feel lonely and said to myself: The need for conflict resolution and sustainable peace and development is more imminent than ever. This is the reason why the ulama called for peaceful resolution of the crisis ever since. Because they believe that everything can be done through peaceful means like dialogue. I recalled when we (religious leaders from Basilan) were waiting for the boat to bring us to Zamboanga for the above mentioned meeting of the ulama on Tuesday morning of September 10 at the visitor’s hall of 104th Brigade in Tabiawan, Basilan - an officer served us lansones. I thanked him and said: This lansones looks good and sweet, I guess. This is from ‘Bakisung’ and was given to us by Hadji Dan, he responded.
Bakisung is a name of a community in Al-Barka municipality in Basilan known for its sweetness. Hadji Dan is also a known MILF Commander based in that community. I was surprised and jokingly said in Tagalog “Buti po lansones ang pinadala sa inyo hindi bala.” (It’s good he sent you lansones instead of bullets). The good Captain smiled and replied, “Hindi naman” (Not really). Dr. Aboulkhair Tarason, the Chairman of the Basilan Ulama Supreme Council (BUSC), who is also a member of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Darul Ifta – ARMM exclaimed: “This is the result of Dialogue!” Exactly! That’s true. If not because of dialogue the Framework Agreement for Bangsamoro (FAB) would have not been reached. Therefore, dialogue should always be the first option in settling conflict to avoid collateral damage.
Before leaving Zamboanga City in the afternoon of Day 2, the Darul Ifta members from Basilan convened among themselves and planned out what to do on the rumors that Lamitan City, Isabela City, and Maluso municipality in Basilan will be attacked by the MNLF members in Basilan. Upon arrival, they immediately met with CMC Basilan headed by Gov. Jum Akbar of Basilan. CMC Basilan confirmed the report but most likely, the main target was Lamitan City. Unknown to many, some members of Darul Ifta – ARMM did their best to halt the attack in their own little way. Presumably, the effort was a contributing factor to another Lamitan Siege. Although, 2 days later, if my memory serves me right, an attack was made in the outskirt of Lamitan City and allegedly by the Abu Sayyaf members and has no connection with the Zamboanga Siege.
By Prof. Alzad T. Sattar, Undersecretary for Madrasah Education, DepEd - ARMM
Ulama are generally not in touch with internet and media, thus I found it my obligation to write on the pro-active response of ulama on the crisis even without their being invited to intervene.
When the Zamboanga Crisis started on September 9, 2013, the religious groups particularly the Darul Ifta of Zamboanga City and Darul Ifta – ARMM with some Muslim elders immediately convened the following day (Day 2 of the Crisis) at Garden Orchid Hotel, Zamboanga City. The main agenda was how they can help the City Government on peacefully resolving the conflict. The ulama agreed to offer themselves as “negotiator” provided the Crisis Management Committee (CMC) Zamboanga City authorize them to do so thru a letter of request. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, the offer was turned down.
As religious leaders, they know for a fact that it is also their obligation to give assistance to their fellow human being regardless of who the victims are. In partnership with the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF), the said ulama groups undertook a humanitarian initiative, e.g. giving relief goods to the victims and offering spiritual guidance and counseling. Yesterday for instance, Darul Ifta – ARMM joined the ARMM HEART in distributing the relief goods to the so-called “home-based evacuees” at Mampang and Talon-Talon Barangays. These are the people who opted to stay at their relatives’ home rather than evacuation centers.
Upon seeing the conditions of the evacuees, I couldn’t help but feel lonely and said to myself: The need for conflict resolution and sustainable peace and development is more imminent than ever. This is the reason why the ulama called for peaceful resolution of the crisis ever since. Because they believe that everything can be done through peaceful means like dialogue. I recalled when we (religious leaders from Basilan) were waiting for the boat to bring us to Zamboanga for the above mentioned meeting of the ulama on Tuesday morning of September 10 at the visitor’s hall of 104th Brigade in Tabiawan, Basilan - an officer served us lansones. I thanked him and said: This lansones looks good and sweet, I guess. This is from ‘Bakisung’ and was given to us by Hadji Dan, he responded.
Bakisung is a name of a community in Al-Barka municipality in Basilan known for its sweetness. Hadji Dan is also a known MILF Commander based in that community. I was surprised and jokingly said in Tagalog “Buti po lansones ang pinadala sa inyo hindi bala.” (It’s good he sent you lansones instead of bullets). The good Captain smiled and replied, “Hindi naman” (Not really). Dr. Aboulkhair Tarason, the Chairman of the Basilan Ulama Supreme Council (BUSC), who is also a member of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Darul Ifta – ARMM exclaimed: “This is the result of Dialogue!” Exactly! That’s true. If not because of dialogue the Framework Agreement for Bangsamoro (FAB) would have not been reached. Therefore, dialogue should always be the first option in settling conflict to avoid collateral damage.
Before leaving Zamboanga City in the afternoon of Day 2, the Darul Ifta members from Basilan convened among themselves and planned out what to do on the rumors that Lamitan City, Isabela City, and Maluso municipality in Basilan will be attacked by the MNLF members in Basilan. Upon arrival, they immediately met with CMC Basilan headed by Gov. Jum Akbar of Basilan. CMC Basilan confirmed the report but most likely, the main target was Lamitan City. Unknown to many, some members of Darul Ifta – ARMM did their best to halt the attack in their own little way. Presumably, the effort was a contributing factor to another Lamitan Siege. Although, 2 days later, if my memory serves me right, an attack was made in the outskirt of Lamitan City and allegedly by the Abu Sayyaf members and has no connection with the Zamboanga Siege.
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